The most state-of-the-art retirement benefits software built for federal agencies.
The FedHR Navigator Retirement and Benefits Module is the preferred retirement calculator for more than 100 federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security components, many cabinet level agencies and dozens of independent agencies. Featuring the only Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) authorized federal retirement and benefits calculator and the only OPM approved Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act (FERCCA) calculator, the software is available on the GSA 738X and IT 70 Schedules.
Federal HR specialists using the FedHR Navigator Retirement and Benefits Module save time in processing applications, improve communication with employees, and free themselves to focus on other strategic tasks within their agencies.
The calculator handles voluntary, optional, early, deferred, discontinued service, disability, and death-in-service; part-time and intermittent service; deposits and redeposits owed; sick leave; survivor benefits; alternative form of annuity; and severance pay.
Retains a complete electronic record of the transactions, supports the workflow to the appropriate individual, and allows HR managers to monitor productivity or modify work assignments through a variety of reports. Customizable for your agency needs.