Retirement Eligibility Explorer

Explore five years of retirement eligibility at your agency. Integrated with your retirement and separation processing, the Retirement Eligibility Explorer helps you discover the risk posed by retirements at your agency.


Every federal agency human capital leader is faced with the challenge of understanding the operati onal risk posed by an aging federal workforce. As with any challenge, a grounded, fact-based analysis helps to remove uncertainty and doubt in strategic planning discussions. The Reti rement Eligibility Explorer is designed specifi cally to provide clarity and a quanti fi ed analysis for this challenge.

Key Benefits of Retirement Eligibility Explorer

Security the government can trust

FedHR Navigator is FedRAMP Authorized, enabling FedHR Navigator to offer optimal efficiency, collaboration, and transparency, while ensuring Federal PII is protected by the most rigid security controls applicable to Federal cloud-based solutions. These controls exceed even on-premises solutions in terms of data security.
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