Workforce planning is one of the most important factors for a federal agency’s success — it’s also one of the hardest to get right.
Firstly, your workforce is constantly changing. The profile of your team — ages, backgrounds, experience levels, and number of people — is different each year, so your plan needs to adapt accordingly.

Workforce planning is one of the most important and challenging aspects of optimizing your federal agency’s productivity. When done correctly, it can ensure that you are always complying with current regulations, that your results line up with your goals, and that there’s a balance between employees joining and leaving your agency.

There are several inefficiencies in the recruitment request process for federal agencies. The number of hand-offs between supervisors and HR specialists and the lack of overall transparency in the process can extend the already long time to hire in these …

Understanding Inefficiencies in the Recruitment Request Process in Federal Agencies Read more »

EconSys worked with The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veteran’s Health Administration (VHA) on its Orthotic and Prosthetic Services (OPS) program. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) had recently released reports identifying several issues that OPS needed to address to …

Project Synopsis: Multi-Step Workforce Planning for the Veteran’s Health Administration Read more »

Management of human capital in a federal agency requires careful analysis of the workforce. From outside factors that create different demand scenarios to internal factors, like the average age and tenure of the workforce, workforce profile analysis allows you to …

How to Ensure a Strong Analysis of Your Current Workforce Profile Read more »

Workforce planning in federal agencies is limited in many ways by the current resources and technology in place. Agencies need to measure not only retirement and quit rates, but the impact of key factors on those rates, projections for workforce demand …

How Technology Tools Help Produce Better Quantitative Insights for Workforce Planning Read more »