Workforce planning is one of the most important and challenging aspects of optimizing your federal agency’s productivity. When done correctly, it can ensure that you are always complying with current regulations, that your results line up with your goals, and that there’s a balance between employees joining and leaving your agency.

The onset of COVID-19 and its rapid spread has created challenges at a micro and macro level for the private sector and public sectors alike. Job growth has been stunted in many industries, but there are still needs federal agencies must meet. Right now, USAJobs has over 430 open positions – just to help with the COVID-19 emergency alone. So, with all of the new restrictions imposed by social distancing requirements and remote working environments, federal agencies are facing a completely new challenge.

In the recent report detailing the retirement claims processed in the month of October, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced the number of claims processed decreased significantly from the total processed in September. While the number of new claims …

A Decrease in Claims Processed Leads to an Increase in the OPM Retirement Backlog in October Read more »

There are several inefficiencies in the recruitment request process for federal agencies. The number of hand-offs between supervisors and HR specialists and the lack of overall transparency in the process can extend the already long time to hire in these …

Understanding Inefficiencies in the Recruitment Request Process in Federal Agencies Read more »

With its unique position outside of Human Resources (HR), Position Management faces a number of challenges in completing its mission. Fortunately, with the use of technology and a more streamlined approach to both position management and communication with other HR departments, Position …

Three Ways to Reduce Barriers for Position Management Specialists Read more »

Federal position management systems frequently lack the tools specialists need, which is why the majority of federal employees in a recent survey cited organizational resource constraints and leadership as holding them back from performing their best work – in particular in relation …

Transitioning from Legacy Position Management Systems to Enterprise Solutions Read more »